Biography, mission and the message of

Muhammad - the Prophet of Islam










Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) is the only messenger and man in history whose entire life is recorded.  Not only the important events of his life, but the details of his daily life, from birth to death are written.  All his saying, the details of his conduct and character have been preserved, his whole life, at home, in the mosque and outside, was fully known to his companions and was recorded so that the following generations could learn and get inspiration from his example.

            The life of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is perfect and comprehensive and can serve as an example for men and women of all ages working in all professions and trades.  He not only preached but also practices what he preached and acted upon each and every commandment and injunction revealed to him by Allah.

            He taught people to be good, honest and just in their private as well as public dealings.  His teachings were not confined to the mosque.  At home, he advised his family and in the market place, he explained the principals of buying and selling.  When he received deputations from abroad, he talked about state matters that laid the foundations of international law.  When in a war, he devised the laws of war and peace.  While deciding disputes between his Companions, he gave them a civil and criminal code of judgment; and to protect the rights of individuals in the state, he gave them judgments that later became the law of the Islamic State.


               In his childhood he was a herdsman and looked after the sheep and goats of his family and neighbors.  Later he become a trader and went on trading journeys to neighboring countries.  He married, had children and lived a very happy life with his family.  Later on, at Madinah, he became the head of the community and acted in various capacities – as a judge, administrator, a military commander, and finally, head of the State.  He had vast experience in various positions and had gained a great deal of knowledge of human needs in all circumstances.  His life is a perfect model and example for people to follow to attain goodness, piety and success in practical examples for all mankind to follow in every field of life.


            The Quran describes the personality of the great Prophet in these words:

“And you (stand) on an exalted standard of character.”                             (68:4)

            In the words of the Quran, his character and personality was far above that of other human beings.  He possessed the best and noblest qualities and was a true example of a perfect human being.  He lived the life of a n ordinary man; helped the poor, orphans and the widows; was kind to the weak, and hospitable to strangers and travelers; was affectionate and loving towards his friends and forgiving and merciful towards his enemies, was fair and honest in his dealings and just in deciding affairs of friends as well as that of enemies.  In short, all goodness and excellence seems to have been combined in the person of Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh).

            The Quran and the Prophet are inspirable. The Quran is Allah’s Command, and the life of Prophet, the fulfillment of that Command. The Holy Prophet was charged with the responsibility to communicate the revealed message and to make his life a model for others. His teachings are preserved in their original from in the Quran and his sayings and doings are preserved in the from of Hadis. These records cover matters of morality, spirituality, economics, politics and sociology. The advice is absolutely perfect, free from human weakness. It shows us the moderate way of life. These two sources, the teachings and the example of Hazrat Muhammad’s (pbuh) life will always provide light and guidance to those who need it whatever walks of life they are in .

Once someone enquired about his character and manners from his wife Hazrat Aisha and she replied that the Quran was his character. This means that practice the teachings of the Quran and what ever the Quran commanded, he obeyed, and whatever it forbade, he abs trained from it. According to Anas, his servant, Prophet Muhammad had the best character; Jabir reported the Prophet ad saying. 

            “Allah ahs sent me to perfect good qualities of character and so complete good deeds”

            As the Quran clearly mentions:

            “Ye have indeed in the Messenger of Allah, a beautiful pattern (of conduct) for anyone whose hope is in Allah and in the Final Day.”

            The Holy Prophet (pbuh) is thus an ideal example for mankind to follow in their daily life.

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