Biography, mission and the message of

Muhammad - the Prophet of Islam





Distinctive Features of the Society set up by the Prophet Hazrat Muhammad


            Islam has given laws based on the Book of Allah, preached and practiced by the last Messenger of Allah which guarantee the rights of human beings, their life and property, their honor and prestige, security and peace. They guarantee social, religious, 

            And political rights to all citizens, irrespective of race, cast, creed or color. All enjoy equal rights and equal freedom in an Islamic Society.

            In the wayward society of Arabia, women were treated as animals, life and honor of none were safe. Men buried their daughters alive. No law existed and men bowed before idols. In that society robbery was not considered as a crime, trust had no sanctity and a man could loose all his possessions including his wives and children through games of chance.  It was Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) who brought about a marvelous change in the life of such people.

            He cast kindness into their hearts and converted robbers into custodians.  People constantly fighting among themselves became brothers.  They learnt to stand side-by-side, shoulder-to-shoulder in a row while praying.  It was Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) who taught that all human beings belong to one brotherhood and that they area all equal.  He made life so easier by his teachings of tolerance of other people’s views and opinions, especially in matters of faith.  The Quran says:

            “Let there be no compulsion in religion.”                                             (2:256)

            Everyone in the Islamic society is free to practice his religion.  The philosophy of religious freedom is further explained in the Holy Quran:

            “If it had been the Lord’s will

            They would all have believed__

            All who are on earth!

            Will you then compel mankind,

            against their will to believe.”                                                                      (10:99)

            The protection of life and property is fully guaranteed to every citizen in an Islamic society.

            “_____take not life, which Allah hath made sacred, except by way of justice and law: ___”                                                                                                        (6:151)

 And with regard to property:

            “And do not eat up your property among yourselves for vanities, nor use it as bait for the judges, with intent that ye may eat up wrongfully and knowingly a little of (other) people’s property”                                                                                            (2:188)

In an Islamic society, wealth should remain in circulation.  For this purpose, Islam has established the institution of Zakat that is collected from the rich and distributed amongst the poor of the society.  Zakat is compulsory and, therefore, if one does not pay it, he goes against the commandment of Allah and for him, is prescribed a painful punishment.

            As regards the acquisition of wealth, Islam encourages all lawful means and condemns the unlawful ones. Muslims are required to earn livelihood by honest means; it regards beginning and unemployment as undesirable.  Its emphasis is on lawful and legal trade and it considers hoarding, games of chance and gambling as illegal.

            Yet another feature of an Islamic society is justice that is to give every deserving person his right.  It is the duty of every individual member of the society to co-operate with the society towards this end, to the best of his ability.

            In order to eradicate evil, the Holy Prophet first attacked the basis of corruption.  He prohibited all alcoholic drinks and gambling in the Islamic society.  He encouraged people to adopt piety, goodness and justice in their individual as well as social dealings.  He also discouraged slavery and used all possible methods to get rid of this evil from society.

            The social system based on these principles has been working successfully till the present times.  In these comprehensive principles, the most balanced Divine Guidance is given to mankind to purify their life and to lay the foundation of a healthy, pious and chaste society in which people can live in peace and happiness.  These are the distinctive features of the society set up by Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) that provides honor, peace and security to every human being.

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